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The Power Mode extension have Visual Studio option pages to config features.

To see other option pages please click links below.

Particles Option

The “Particles” page have all the settings related with the Particles.

Particles Option Pages


When Combo Mode is enabled, effects Particles won’t appear until reach the activation threshold.

Color Type Selector

The color type of particles. Currently support 2 values:

Default is Random.

Particles Color Color Picker

The fixed color of particles.

Only when “Color Type” Selector choose “Fixed”, this field can be edit.

Max Total Textbox

The maximum total number of particles can be shown on the screen. Should be 1 - 2000.

When number in Max Total Textbox larger than 1000, there might have some performance issue.

Minimum Spawned Textbox

The minimum (randomized) number of particles spawned on input. Should be 1 - 50. Also should less than number of Maximum Spawned Textbox.

Maximum Spawned Textbox

The maximum (randomized) number of particles spawned on input. Should be 1 - 50.

Minimum Size Textbox

The minimum (randomized) size of the particles. Should be 1 - 50. Also should less than number of Maximum Size Textbox.

Maximum Size Textbox

The maximum (randomized) size of the particles. Should be 1 - 50.

Show Party Mode Particles Toggle Button

The “Show Party Mode Particles”” toggle button will be the toggle to control if show or not show the party mode.

Party Mode Threshold Textbox

Threshold of when to show the party mode. Should be 10 - 200.

Party Mode Spawned Textbox

The number of new particles spawned on the screen when party model threshold reached. Should be 1 - 200.


Don’t set this value larger than 50 unless your machine have lot of power and memory…